Book Review: The Biggest Story

Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy.

There are a lot of great Christian books for children. There are fantastic books for teaching children about God's Word. Of all the story books that take children through the bible from start to finish: this is my favourite.

As soon as this series came out, I immediately bought The Biggest Story book and DVD. I must admit - we didn't have any children yet, and my wife wasn't even pregnant. It was the beautiful, colourful and edgy illustrations and half-candid language that drew me in to want to read it and, soon after, buy copies to gift to families with children.

What Kevin DeYoung does is take children (and parents!) through the Bible's story of redemption. He starts with Adam and Eve, who were "terrifically happy" in the Garden. But they disobeyed God and listened to the snake. From here, we start waiting for the "snake crusher" to come...

Things were not the way they were supposed to be. Everything fell apart after sin entered the world.

Things got so bad so fast that God decided to start over. The people on the earth were terribly wicked in their hearts, all the time, every day, nonstop.

They didn't deserve to enjoy God's world anymore...

We see mankind continue through history, stained by sin at every point... until the snake crusher himself came in to the world.

Our story is the story of God doing what we can't, in order to make up for us doing what we shouldn't. The Christ suffers for our sin, that we might share in his sinlessness.

I can't wait for my son, Michael, to hear and understand the gospel. My hope and prayer is that he loves the Lord. It is God who removes hearts of stone and gives hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36 v 26), He speaks through His Word, through his imperfect saints, but also through resources like this. I'm excited to be reading this book to him, and I hope you will understand why when you check it out for yourself!

Click Here to see the full range of The Biggest Story products.

PHOTO The Biggest Story

Review by Andrew Deligiorgakis

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